C. Eckles and J. Klosterman - Trap Competition

In every endeavor in life, we have a chance to make a difference.  This past weekend, at the National Clay Target League Championships in Mason, MI, the BRHS Trap Team and coach Ben Upham did just that!  

Competing at Nationals were Alexander Brandt, Austin Brandt, James Brandt, Noah Brandt, Cayden Eckles, Bailey Nordland, Hannah Reed, Luke Roberts, Jacob Schuberg, Caleb Speese, and Aiden Zimmerman.  Team qualifiers were Friday, July 7th.  Individuals competed on Saturday, July 8th, and the championship for both was Sunday, July 9th.  Big Rapids saw tremendous improvement from the team but, amidst some tough competition, did not qualify for the finals.  Noah Brandt and Luke Roberts qualified for the individual finals.  Noah shot 97/100 putting him in 122nd place.  Luke shot 93/100 putting him in 320th place.  There were 1,718 shooters that competed for a shot at the finals!  

Aside from capping off a fantastic season, the BR Trap Team also managed to make a difference in the lives and the hearts of their competitors.  

The Kimball Longhorn Trap Team from Kimball, Nebraska traveled 16 hours to compete in Mason this past weekend as well.  During the first two rounds of competition, Justin Klosterman, a Kimball competitor, began having malfunction issues with his shotgun.  The Longhorns happened to settle, beneath tents, next to the BR Trap Team who offered parts, tools, advice, and help.  What was needed was a special part from their long away home so the newly found friends from Big Rapids offered a backup firearm for the remainder of the competition.  The display of sportsmanship and kindness did not go unnoticed by the family from Kimball.  

"They saved the day for some very grateful fellow competitors.  My son would have been out of his senior competition without their generosity.  Everyone's support changed an awful situation into a positive experience", shared Justin's mother, Denelle Klosterman.   "Thank you, Cayden Eckles and your team! Your kindness won’t be forgotten!"

We couldn't be more proud of the BR Trap Team for representing our school and our community the way you did this past weekend!  Kudos to all students, coaches, and families involved, and a special thanks to Denelle Klosterman for sharing this heartwarming story.  

We are BR!